Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Book 22

Context question: "in defense of his home and family, Odysseus commits some arguably cruel acts. To what extent is he justified?" Vocab:meddle,indomitable.

In book 22's reading of the Odyssey by Homer Odysseus finally reveals himself to his wife suitors when they are all trying to string the bow to shoot through the axes to find out who gets to marry Penelope which i might add none of them could do. As soon as Odysseus revels himself to the suitors he then explains how he is justified to kill them all for meddling in his wifes affairs and not only that coming to his home his territory only to claim it as there own. Quickly after that he slaughters the suitors as his son stands right by the indomitable Odysseus as they both saughter the suitors. I feel like Odysseus had every right to punish the suitors concerting the way they treated his wife and how they treated his land with disrespect acting like he would never return home like he would never be able to protect his own family although slaughtering them like animals shouldn't be the answer i feel it would have been easier just to lock them up in jail to they die in a more justified way.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Book 21

In book 21s reading of the Odyssey by Homer Telemachus has two traits that stick out mostly in the book. Telemachus is very stubborn and protective. First of all Telemachus is very stubborn in this text. He simple states on page 241, "My dear mother, no one has a better right than I to give the bow to whom i will, or to refuse it." This shows he is stubborn like he feels he is the only one that can give someone the bow like no one but him can give the the bow away. In addition he is very protective. Such as when his father is in trouble he throws him his sword and he grabs his spear armed and ready to fight by his father side on page 242.This shows he is ready to protect his father since the fact he risks his life to fight next to him just to make sure hes is not to be harmed and to protect his propriety. These reasons show Telemachus is not only stubborn but very protective as well.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Book 16

In book 16 of The Odyssey by Homer they talk about Odysseus being home which reminds me of the context questions, "why is home a sacred place, one we take such care to protect it."I think home is such a sacred place cause its were you can relax and the feeling your at home with your family makes it sacred. Like when Odysseus leave his family. Which has upset his son has even risked his life trying to find him. Home is a place were we can be conferrable and relax. Unfortunately Penoples suitors have made home a stressful environment with the suitors pushing her to supplant her husband with a new one. Odysseus takes such big risk to protect that feeling of home and family even if that means taking an interminable journey to different lands thats how much it matters to him.There for i think Odysseus cares very much about home and why he cares so much to protect it for the ones he loves.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Book 12

     In Book 12s reading of the Odyssey by Homer women are characterized by very strong and powerful. I feel there strong in powerful most because of the goddess Athena who is very famed and have helped Odysseus stay alive and make sure he will get home showing she case plenty of control and power over mortals. Calypso is another powerful women in this reading. She can control Odysseus by making him stay on her island and just about made him merrier her. It affects Odysseus family as well cause now the witch Calypso has kept poor Odysseus captive there for he can not return home to his family.  In this chapter the women in Odysseus life really effect how his journey is going Calypso keeps him from getting home and Athena is trying to get him home.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Book 9

In Book 9's The Odyssey by Homer reading i feel Odysseus is characterized as a Greek epic hero. I mostly feel that Odysseus is a epic hero cause he does extremely rare things that most human being cant do such as swim for 2 days strait most human being will die or drowned to death but Odysseus has super strength and abilities which make him an epic hero. We think about hero as person that does something incredibly to save or protect a person kinda like Odysseus does he fights in the great battle of Troy to protect his people like hes a god in a mortals body doing super natural things that most mortals could not do or struggle with. Odysseus is a Greek epic hero cause of plenty of reasons he does extreme things most humans can not do and he compares to heroes in comic books or heroes today cause he uses those powers to protect other humans.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Book 5

In this chapter of book 5 reading all of the gods gathered around to talk about odysseys fate. Zeus then sends Hermes to tell Calypso she has to let Odyssey go and he has to return home.Odyssey then sails home with Calypso help in building a raft. On his way home Poseidon makes a huge storm destroying his boat because Odyssey stabbed his son in the eye. With the help of Athena Odyssey makes it on to shore and has to spend the night in a forest. This chapter left me felling that the gods are not as nice as they may seem and that as hard as one god trys to help a mortal another god is trying to destroy him.