Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Book 22

Context question: "in defense of his home and family, Odysseus commits some arguably cruel acts. To what extent is he justified?" Vocab:meddle,indomitable.

In book 22's reading of the Odyssey by Homer Odysseus finally reveals himself to his wife suitors when they are all trying to string the bow to shoot through the axes to find out who gets to marry Penelope which i might add none of them could do. As soon as Odysseus revels himself to the suitors he then explains how he is justified to kill them all for meddling in his wifes affairs and not only that coming to his home his territory only to claim it as there own. Quickly after that he slaughters the suitors as his son stands right by the indomitable Odysseus as they both saughter the suitors. I feel like Odysseus had every right to punish the suitors concerting the way they treated his wife and how they treated his land with disrespect acting like he would never return home like he would never be able to protect his own family although slaughtering them like animals shouldn't be the answer i feel it would have been easier just to lock them up in jail to they die in a more justified way.

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