Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Book 16

In book 16 of The Odyssey by Homer they talk about Odysseus being home which reminds me of the context questions, "why is home a sacred place, one we take such care to protect it."I think home is such a sacred place cause its were you can relax and the feeling your at home with your family makes it sacred. Like when Odysseus leave his family. Which has upset his son has even risked his life trying to find him. Home is a place were we can be conferrable and relax. Unfortunately Penoples suitors have made home a stressful environment with the suitors pushing her to supplant her husband with a new one. Odysseus takes such big risk to protect that feeling of home and family even if that means taking an interminable journey to different lands thats how much it matters to him.There for i think Odysseus cares very much about home and why he cares so much to protect it for the ones he loves.

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